Helmholtz-Zentrum Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum

Hydrogeochemical modelling

  • Fu, Y., van Berk, W., Schulz, H.-M. (2016): H2S formation, fate and behavior in anhydrite-sealed carbonate gas reservoirs: A three dimensional reactive mass transport modeling approach. AAPG Bulletin, 100, 5, pp. 843-865.
  • Arning, E. T., Gaucher, E. C., van Berk, W., Schulz, H.-M. (2015): Hydrogeochemical models locating sulfate-methane transition zone in marine sediments overlying black shales: A new tool to locate biogenic methane? Marine and Petroleum Geology, 59, 563-574.
  • van Berk, W., Fu, Y., Schulz, H.-M. (2015): Creation of pre-oil-charging porosity by migration of source rock-derived corrosive fluids through carbonate reservoirs: onedimensional reactive mass transport modelling. - Petroleum Geoscience, 21, 35-42.
  • Fu, Y., van Berk, W., Schulz, H.-M., Mu, N. (2015): Berthierine formation in an oil reservoir as result of fluid-rock interactions: Part III. Determining mineral stability and CO2-sequestering capacity of glauconitic sandstones. - Marine and Petroleum Geology, 65, pp. 327-333.
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