GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Personalia | Professorship for Joachim Wächter

10.12.2015: Prof. Joachim Wächter, Head of Centre for GeoInformationTechnology CeGIT at GFZ, is appointed an Honorary Professor at the Institute for Computer Science of the University of Potsdam. Yesterday evening he received the certificate of the University in a formal ceremony.

10.12.2015: Prof. Joachim Wächter, Head of Centre for GeoInformationTechnology CeGIT at GFZ, is appointed an Honorary Professor at the Institute for Computer Science of the University of Potsdam. Yesterday evening he received the certificate of the University in a formal ceremony.

Joachim Wächter did a doctor’s degree in Geology and deals with geoscientific data and information management since 1988. He set up the information system for the data of the German Continental Deep Drilling Programme (KTB). Since 1992, Joachim Wächter is responsible for IT-development at GFZ in various positions. With regards to content, for more than 20 years his focus is on the development of geodata infractructure (GDI). From 1998 to 2004 Wächter was Chairman of the Deutscher Dachverband für Geoinformation e.V. (DDGI) and responsible for the lobbying for GDI concepts in Germany. Joachim Wächter is founding member of the Gesellschaft für Geoinformatik e.V. (GfGI), founded in 2006. From 2010 to 2015 he was appointed Honorary Professor at the University of Osnabrück, Institute for Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing (IGF).

At the University of Potsdam Prof. Wächter will work in the field of „geodata infrastructure" with a focus on scientific data and information management and the design and development of GDI compatible information systems and software components. An aim is to implement well-proven eScience concepts from computer science in the development of research data infrastructure of earth and environmental science.


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