GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

GFZ structure

Research work at the GFZ is carried out in sections, which are grouped into five departments and the Research Institute for Sustainability RIFS in accordance with the research foci and fields of competence. The long-term research goals of the GFZ are implemented in the Helmholtz Association's topic-oriented programme research (PoF). Each programme contains several Research Topics. Research within the topics is carried out across sections and often also across Centres. The research in these budget-financed PoF activities is complemented by third-party funded projects.

The organisation chart of the GFZ gives you an overview of the scientific and administrative organisational structure, important contact persons, committees as well as representations & representatives. Please click on the individual fields for further information.

GFZ organisational structure

  • MinR Dr. Wolf Junker
Vice Chair
  • ST Tobias Dünow
  • Dr. Jürgen Dold
Vice Chair
  • Prof. Lars Bernard
Scientific Executive Director and Spokesperson of the Executive Board
  • Prof. Susanne Buiter
Administrative Executive Director (ad interim)
  • Marco Kupzig
  • Dr. Kirsten Elger
Vice Chair
  • Dr. Kai Mangelsdorf
  • Prof. Dirk Sachse

Representations & Commissions

Staff Council: Dr. Andrea Vieth-Hillebrand

Youth and Education Representative: Henning Czech

Representative Body for Disabled Employees:Sabine Thiel

Equal Opportunity Commissioner: PD Dr. Ute Weckmann

Research Ombudspersons:Dr. Birgit Schröder , Dr. Christian Haberland , Dr.-Ing. Grischa BeierWebsite 'GFZ rules for safeguarding good scientific practice'

Compliance:Almut Scholz │ Website 'Compliance'

Sustainability manager: Dr. Knut KaiserWebsite 'Sustainability at GFZ'

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