GFZ German research centre for geo sciences
Three people stand in front of a railing, one is holding a plaque and has presented a certificate. Buildings and forest in the background.

Federal Building Minister Klara Geywitz honours the GFZ

The Minister presented the two GFZ board members with a plaque bearing the silver certificate for sustainable building. The GeoBioLab was honoured for its innovative energy concept.
Left: A poster with logo as a safe-the-date for the Geothermal Congress in Potsdam in October. Next to it: Photo of a metal laboratory facility for high-pressure experiments.

Geothermal Congress 2024: GFZ scientific partner

From 22 to 24 October, the industry's largest event will take place in Potsdam for the first time. The GFZ will be the scientific partner of the organising Bundesverband Geothermie e.V.
Dr Oliver Bens, man with grey-brown hair, light blue eyes and glasses, wearing a suit

Oliver Bens appointed to the Brandenburg Climate Council

The Head of ‘Operational Management’ at the GFZ is a member of the newly founded Brandenburg Scientific Climate Council, which advises the state on how to achieve its climate targets.
Group photo of the participants in the historical library, among historical books and furniture.

Kyrgyz Ambassador at the GFZ

On July 15, 2024, the Kyrgyz Ambassador Omurbek Tekebaev visited the GFZ. Further possible fields of cooperation in research, education and training were discussed.


16. Sep. 2024 - 20. Sep. 2024
Potsdam Summer School 2024

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