GFZ German research centre for geo sciences
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[Translate to English Portrait of a woman with long blonde hair and a blue jacket in front of treesPortrait einer Frau mit blonden langen Haaren und einer blauen Jacke vor Bäumen

Prof Dr Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Director of Department 4 ‘Geosystems’, takes over the Chair of ‘Sedimentary Basins and Georesources’ in a joint appointment with the GFZ.

Portrait of a man in front of green trees and a stone column. GFZ Logo in the rear.

The head of GFZ’s “Projects & International Affairs” has been elected on the 37th World Congress of the “International Union of Geological Sciences” (IUGS) in South Korea by the General Assembly.

Heidi Kreibich, woman with short brown hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a grey cardigan and a red polo shirt

Heidi Kreibich wird für ihre herausragenden Beiträge zu Hochwasserrisiken im November mit der Volker Medaille des Internationalen Hydrologiepreises der IAHS ausgezeichnet.

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