Compliance at GFZ

The GFZ is committed to responsible corporate governance.

Compliance, which covers the observance of legal and regulatory provisions, voluntary commitments and internal guidelines as well as the promotion of basic ethical values, is an essential element of this corporate governance.

To ensure this compliance, a Compliance Management System is being introduced at the GFZ.

GFZ Code of Conduct

A central component of our compliance efforts is our Code of Conduct. This Code defines the principles and values by which we act and provides guidance for all employees with regard to ethical behavior and lawful conduct. The Code of Conduct serves as a guideline for our daily work and helps us to maintain the highest standards of integrity.

Here you find our Code of Conduct.

GFZ Reporting Channels for Compliance Violations

Another important component of the GFZ's compliance management system is the compliance reporting procedure, which can be used to report suspected cases of criminal offences, administrative offences and serious internal breaches of regulations against the GFZ ("compliance violations"). The following points of contact are available for such reports, which can be reached by our employees and business and research partners:

Contact details: GFZ Internal Reporting Channel

The Internal Reporting Channel is the Compliance Office, which can be reached as follows:


By post: Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Compliance Office, House G, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany

or directly: GFZ mailbox on the Telegrafenberg, entrance area House G.

Contact details: External Ombudsperson

Alternatively, a possible compliance violation can be reported– anonymously if desired– to our external ombudsperson. The ombudsperson has been appointed by the GFZ to receive notices and, as a lawyer, is bound to professional secrecy. The ombudsperson can protect the identity of whistleblowers in a very special way. The ombudsperson will not reveal the identity of the person providing the tip-off without the consent of that person. The following persons have been appointed as ombudspersons:

Lawyer Johannes Hirt:
Lawyer Ina-Gabriele Fischer (Deputy):

Address: Law Office Hirt, Kurfürstendamm 57, 10707 Berlin
Tel.: (+49) 030 / 403 63 37 - 60
Fax: (+49) 030 / 403 63 37 - 69

In order to be able to follow up on indications of breaches of the rules or misconduct in a targeted and timely manner, we ask you to provide the following information in any case: Specific description of the alleged violation, time frame and parties involved.

Your personal data will be treated strictly confidentially within the framework of the legal requirements. Please note the General Data Protection Information on the Whistleblowing System at GFZ.

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