GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Transfer with Civil Society

Researchers at the GFZ view the integration of dialogue and exchange with stakeholders outside of the scientific community as an essential element of their work. In this context, interaction and discussion with different target groups of civil society is of particular importance so as to generate knowledge and provide guidance in tackling future challenges. For this purpose a number of different transfer structures are in place at the GFZ:

  • Information websites with freely available data, e.g: 

- GEOFON providing global information and data on earthquakes; international reference point for media and disaster control for rapid recording and interpretation of quake events geofon.gfz-potsdam.deIndices for the measurement of geomagnetic storms
- TEODOOR on the course and effects of global change and the development of adaptation strategies at the regional level
- Global Earthquake Model GEM: collaboration aimed at providing both organizations and individuals with tools and resources for transparent assessment of earthquake risk anywhere in the world
- IGRF Declination Calculator: based on the International Geomagnetic Reference Field and interactively providing estimates of magnetic declination, inclination, and field strength for any location on Earth from 1900 to 2025.
- Early warning systems, such as the German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS): development, construction and commissioning of a complex infrastructure for protection against the consequences of natural disasters

  • Web guide for correct behavior in the event of flooding, e.g. for Thuringia (only available in German)
  • The object-specific flood damage database for Germany HOWAS 21 for expert users from the fields of insurance, regional planning and civil engineering
  • Citizen dialog formats, e.g. within the framework of "TERENO Nord-Ost - Observatorium Nordostdeutsches Tiefland": Link zum Videobeitrag
  • Citizen Science projects, e.g. "Nachtlichter": citizens and scientists collect data together via an app
  • The GFZ Journal with topics, regions and research foci of the GFZ for the interested public
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