GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

May 2023: Completion EWRICA-Project

In the last May week the final “Stakeholder’s” meeting of the EWRICA project took place at the premises of Section 2.5.

BMBF-funded Project EWRICA (Early Warning and Rapid ImpaCt Assessment in the Mediterranean) aimed to assess the potential of the real-time GNSS precise point positioning to facilitate fast seismic source inversion and corresponding physical impact assessment including ground shaking and tsunamigenic potential. The project was implemented (02/2020-05/2023) by GFZ sections 1.1, 2.1, 2.4, and 2.5 together with the University of Potsdam in close cooperation with the Italian Instituto Nationale Geofisica e Vulcanologia (GNSS RING network and CAT tsunami early warning center) and Indonesian Geospatial Agency (BIG) contribution to the national tsunami warning center InaTEWS.

For the final stakeholder’s meeting on May 25-26, EWRICA team has additionally invited interested partners from Turkey, Portugal, Malta and Romania to demonstrate project achievements and to discuss potential technology and know-how transfer to another regions prone to seismic and tsunami hazard.

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