GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Section 3.2: Organic Geochemistry

Daten, Produkte, Dienste

FT-ICR-MS Service
Detailed analysis of the full inventory of NSO compounds in bitumen, oil, source rock extracts or pyrolysates may allow for quantifying subtle compositional differences reflective of facies, maturity, mixing and (especially) secondary processes that often go unrecognized in conventional hydrocarbon analyses. We offer standard measurements of organic samples, which includes raw data, standard interpretation plots and a basic report on sample composition. Detailed interpretation in the context of larger datasets or topical studies need to be coordinated through academic collaboration or via an industry partnership project.

Industry Partnership Projects (IPP)
A variety of projects, running from 6 months to 3 years can be constructed to work on projects of mutual interest, thereby accommodating service needs and contracting. While we regularly offer pre-constructed IPP topics that are typically supported by joint-financing within a consortium of multiple partners, one-off or single stakeholder projects may be initiated upon request.

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