GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Reactive reservoir systems - dissolution and precipitation of salts and the effects on hydraulic and mechanical rock properties - ReSalt

The aim of this research project is to gain a basic understanding of the temporal behaviour of fracture-dominated reservoirs as well as the interaction between the chemical composition of the reservoir fluid and the physical boundary conditions of the reservoir (e.g. pressure and temperature) depending on the injection and production pressure. The results of the work will be used to improve the predictability and the process-related controllability of the reservoir behaviour. The analysis and assessment of the permeability development under varying p / T conditions play a central role. The main focus of the investigations is the assessment of the permeability of fractured reservoirs and their change through thermal, mechanical and chemical interactions. The necessary experimental, analytical and numerical investigations are carried out using model systems and reference materials. The results of the laboratory examinations allow the parametrisation and validation of numerical models, which ultimately enable a transfer to complex reservoir systems by means of scaling processes that are also to be developed.

Project partners:

  • Technische Universität Darmstadt (coordinator)
  • GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
  • Ruhr Universität Bochum
  • geomecon – Geomechanische Beratung

Project runtime: 01/04/2018-31/03/2022

Financial support: This research is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy of Germany (BMWi, grant no. 0324244C).

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