GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Marco Pilz

Marco Pilz
Building A 70, Room 105 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Scientific interests:

Strong motion and seismic noise analyses, engineering seismology, attenuation, site effects, earthquake early warning.

  • Seismic hazard assessment for CO2 sequestration (COREu)
  • Site-specific ground motion modelling (METIS)
  • Experimental investigation of seismic metamaterials: Application to wind farms (META-WT)


since 2017 Senior Scientist, GFZ Potsdam
2015 - 2017 Senior Scientist, Swiss Seismological Service, ETH Zurich
2013 - 2015  Research stay at Disaster Prevention Research Institute, University of Kyoto, Japan
2011 - 2013 PostDoc at GFZ Potsdam
2011 PhD with GFZ Potsdam / University of Potsdam
2007 Diploma (M.Sc) in Physics (LMU Munich)

Research Boards and Committees:

Leader of working group "Environmental Seismology" (01-16) of the European Seismological Commission

Steering committee of the Consortium of Organizations for Strong Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS)

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