We use reflection and refractions seismic methods at different scales as well as earthquake observations and ambient noise to investigate geodynamic key processes. Particularly, we investigate processes at continental shear zones, active and passive continental margins and plumes. For this research we conduct large field experiments.

Shear Zones

Shear Zones

Continental shear zones accommodate the relative horizontal motions between continental plates. Prominent examples are the San Andreas fault and the Dead Sea Transform. Earthquakes related to these motions pose a significant threat to the population. Seismic methods provide insight into the deeper structure of the shear zones and their internal architecture.



Konvergente Plattenränder: Subduktionszonen & kontinentale Kollisionen

Convergent margins: Subduction zones and continental collision

At convergent margins two (or more) tectonic plates move against each other. At subduction zones, an oceanic plate thrusts underneath another oceanic or continental plate. The collision of continents often cause the formation of mountain chains and continental plateaus. In any case, the deformation processes active at convergent margins shape the Earth's surface and are also responsible for the most severe earthquakes.



Passive continental margins

A passive continental margin is the transition between oceanic and continental crust which has originally been formed after continental break-up and rifting. Studies at passive margins provide insight into the processes of continental break-up, the onset of the creation of the sea floor and eventually of the mechanisms behind the movement of lithospheric plates.



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