GFZ German research centre for geo sciences


TIPTIMON - Tien-Shan-Pamir Monitoring Program

TIPTIMON is a cross-disciplinary project that comprises long-term monitoring of geodynamics and climate in the Central Asian countries Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, and Uzbekistan. The monitoring seeks to quantify geologic processes like deformation, erosion, and sedimentation as well as their rates, interactions with climate factors, and hazard potential for human habitats. TIPTIMON is a joint research project funded by the German BMBF through the CAME programme.

Section 2.2 is involved in 3 Subprojects:

  • TIPTIMON – Subproject 4: 3D crustal geometry of the Darvaz fault system – assessing its role in the India–Asia collision (Magnetotellurics)
  • TIPTIMON – Subproject 8: Macroscopic structure and seismic history of active faults in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan: seismic profiling, paleoseismology and tectonic geomorphology (Seismics)
  • TIPTIMON- Subproject 2: Seismotectonics of the intra-montane Ferghana and Tadjik-Afghan basins (Earthquake Seismology)
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