This project, funded by the German Science Foundations (DFG) funded International Research Training Group StRATEGy aims to understand how rivers transfer terrestrial organic material and what happens to it during transit. Rivers drain continents and thereby convey terrestrial sediments through landscapes and eventually to the ocean. Organic material takes different paths during its journey through the landscape, therefore, we investigate various processes that impact transport, bonding and sequestration of organic material constrained by fluvial transit and intermediate floodplain storage. We use organic-geochemical methods to fingerprint the organic carbon in the river system and further, mineralogical, isotopegeochemical and experimental methods to determine the fate of the organic matter. Our results contribute to our understanding of the natural processes affecting organic carbon during fluvial transport.
- Andrea Vieth-Hillebrand (Organic Geochemistry)
- Hella Wittmann-Oelze (Earth Surface Geochemistry)
- Ricardo Szupiany (National University of the Littoral and National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, Santa Fe, Argentinien)
- Oscar Orfeo (Center of Applied Ecology of the Littoral, National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, Corrientes, Argentinien)
- Tim Eglinton & Maarten Lupker (Biogeoscience Group, Geological Institute, ETH Zürich)