GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Emmanuel Guillerm

Function and Responsibilities:

Marie-Curie fellow (Postdoctoral researcher)

Research Interests:

  • Paleoclimate
  • limnology
  • evaporites
  • fluid inclusions


2021-2022      Azrielipostdoctoral fellow, Leon Charney school of marine sciences, Dr. Moses Strauss department of geosciences, University of Haifa, Israel.

                        Aim: Reconstruction of late Pleistocene lake levels of the Dead Sea.Ho

                        Host: Dr. Nicolas WALDMANN


2015-2019      PhD in Environmental Geosciences, University Lyon 1 Claude Bernard, France: Turning halite fluid inclusions into accurate paleothermometers with Brillouin spectroscopy: development of a new method and application to the Last Interglacial in the Dead Sea”. Supervision: Dr. Véronique GARDIEN (LGL-TPE, University Lyon 1), Pr. Frédéric CAUPIN (ILM, University Lyon 1).

   Diploma delivered 12/12/2019


2013-2014      Master of Science “Earth and Planets” at CRPG, Lorraine University, Nancy, France.

    Diploma delivered 25/11/2014


2011-2014     Geologist-Engineer school at Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie (ENSG), Nancy, France.

                        Diploma delivered 07/10/2014

01/09/2009      Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles (« prep school ») “Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences”, Lycée Chateaubriand, Rennes


  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship: CROSSROADS project, awarded in2021 (265,000 €)
  • Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship: awarded in 2021 (98,000 €)
  • Doctor with graduate school H2O'Lyon certification. H2O'Lyon aims to build a research school on Watershed Sciences. It is based on a resolutely interdisciplinary approach integrating Human and Social Sciences, Physical and Engineering Sciences, and Life Sciences to better understand all the issues related to their operation and mana
  • Best-poster laureate at biennial conference on magmatic and fluid inclusions, ECROFI 2017 23-29 June Nancy

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