GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Two new DFG projects funded within SPP DeepDyn

Two new projects will start soon in section 2.3 in the framework of the DFG priority programme DeepDyn (SPP 2404).

Two new projects will start soon in section 2.3 in the framework of the DFG priority programme DeepDyn (SPP 2404). DeepDyn aims at reconstructing the deep dynamics of planet Earth over geologic time. It consists of several projects at various German Universities and research institutes, also involving other sections at GFZ. The geomagnetism projects deal with “global characteristics of geomagnetic field reversals from data and numerical simulations” (PI Monika Korte) and “global reconstructions of the geomagnetic field through deep geological time and their implications on the Earth’s deep interior”(PI Sanja Panovska).

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