GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

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S2S FUTURE - Signal Propagation from Source To Sink For the Future of Earth Resources and Energy

Several of our section members are involved in the S2S (Source-to-sink) FUTURE ITN (Innovative Training Network) funded by the European Union. They include Amanda Wild, Caroline Fenske and Jean Braun. The objectives of S2S-FUTURE are to understand, quantify and model the sediment routing system from the sediment production (source) to the sediment deposition (sink); its tectonic and climatic controls; and to establish generic rules for a full understanding of signals propagation in S2S systems for building predictive models of sediment location and characteristics. These studies of S2S systems require interdisciplinary approaches combining geomorphology, sedimentology and stratigraphy, geochemistry, tectonic and paleoclimatology coupling observations, quantifications and process modelling.

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