GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

GFZ-Collaboration with countries from South and Central Asia consolidated

Almaty, October 27, 2014: German Ambassador H.E. Dr. Guido Herz opened the Workshop for Regional Cooperation in Seismology and Earthquake Engineering in South and Central Asia" today in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

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10 years Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences, CAIAG

With an international conference on September 8/9, 2014, GFZ and the international community celebrated the 10-year anniversary of CAIAG


30.6.2014: President of the Geological Survey of Japan at GFZ

On 30.6.2014 the Director General of the Geological Survey of Japan, Dr. Eikichi Tsukuda, visited our centre. The negotiations suggested several ideas for a future collaboration, e.g. in Satellite-Research and Riskmanagement.

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GFZ-Cooperation with Azerbaijan

Between June 16.-18 2014 a small GFZ-Delegation visited Baku, on invitation of the German Embassy. Overall goal was to negotiate scientific collaborations with the Aserbaijan National Academy of Science. A major result of the negotiations was, to start a bilateral pilot on seismic hazard assessment in early 2015. On the DAAD-event "Research in Germany" Ludwig Stroink, presented GFZ and the Helmholtz-Association. More than 100 young scientists who intend to go to Germany for education and research participated in the meeting.

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Extending GFZ-collaborations with Russia

Two bilateral conferences at GFZ will support enhanced collaborations of GFZ with Russian research institutions.

On 2.-4. April 2014 the conference "Research on Sustainability - a Russian-German Dialogue" marked the kick-off of the "International Year" of the Russian Vernadsky-Foundation. Co-organized by GFZ, the Vernadsky-Foundation and the Helmholtz Office Moscow the meeting opened new perspectives for bilateral collaborations in the field of "Research on Sustainability" Part of the meeting was a Science Talk on "Energy and Environment - new challenges for society, science and economy".

On 5. - 6. May 2014 scientists and industry representatives from Tomsk, Krasnojarsk and Novosibirsk met representatives from German universities and research institutions to discuss potential perspectives for research collaborations in the field of "Mineral Resources".

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13.2.2014: Consultations between GFZ and the French Embassy in Berlin

On February 13 2014 the new counselor for Science and Technology in the French Embassy, Dr. Florence Riviere-Bourhis and Prof. Jolanta Lewandowska, new Science-Attachee, visited GFZ. They recently took over their positions from Dr. Mathieu Weiss und Dr. Stephane Roy. Goal of the meeting with Prof. Hüttl and relevant GFZ-scientists, was to confirm and extend the excellent relationship between GFZ and respective research institutions in France. 

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10.2.2014: Visit from Kasakhstan

On 10.02.2014 Shigeo Katsu, President of the Nasarbajew University in Astana, Kasakhstan visited GFZ. He was informed on the several projects, GFZ is conducting in Central Asia, a.o. on "Seismic Risk" und "Waterresearch".

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14.11.2013: Dealing with Natural Hazards - German-Italian Partnership on Seismic

More than 70 attendees from universities, research institutions, insurance companies, national and international agencies, international embassies and other decision makers came to the Italian Embassy on November, 14 to participate in the joint German-Italian event on "Dealing with natural hazards". The meeting intensified the already successful cooperation between GFZ and Italian research institutions but also initiated new and extended forms of collaborations, not only with regards to the bilateral activities, but also regarding joint European efforts in the upcoming "Horizon 2020".

21.10.2013: Besuch Prof. Anne Glover am GFZ

Am 21.10. 2013 besuchte Prof. Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Adviser to the European Commission das GFZ.  Im Mittelpunkt der Gespräche standen aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse des GFZ zu den Themen Georessourcen, Naturgefahren und Magnetfeldforschung und Möglichkeiten für eine zukünftig engere europäische Zusammenarbeit in diesen Themenkomplexen.

11.10.2013: MoU between GFZ and China Academy of Space Technology, CAST

On the occasion of the 10 year anniversary of the Helmholtz Office in Beijing, Prof. Dr. Schuh, Director of Department 1 "Geodesy and Remote Sensing" at GFZ and Prof. Qiu Zhiwei of the China Academy of Space Technology, CAST, signed a MoU between the two research institutions. Overall aim of the MoU is to foster joint research in the field of space based earth observation and the support of young scientists.

30.09.13: Visit of the New Zealand Ambassador, H. E. Peter Rider, to the GFZ

On September 30, 2013, the New Zealand ambassador, Peter Rider, visited GFZ with a New Zealand - German science delegation. He was welcomed by Dr. Stefan Schwartze, Administrative Executive Director, at GFZ. Based on an already existing broad collaboration between GFZ and New Zealand research institutions, like in the field of paleo climate research, it was agreed to evaluate additional opportunities to foster joint research.

19.9.2013: Taiwanese Science Delegation at GFZ

On September, 19, 2013 a high level science delegation from the National Applied Research Laboratories, NATLabs, visited GFZ. Established in 2003 the NARLabs has combined 11 international renowend research institutions into an independent non-profit institute. Thus NATLabs is one of the most important research organisations in Taiwan. The very constructive discussions between GFZ-scientists and the NARLabs delegation, lead by the Vice President Tung-Yang Chen focussed mainly on future opportunities to foster the collaboration between the two research institutes. Further meetings on the operational level are planned.

Colombian business delegation visits GFZ

On June, 12 2013 a Colombian business delegation, headed by the colombian ambassador in Berlin, Juan Mayr Maldonado, visited GFZ. Main focus of the bilateral talks was the discussion on improving the collaboration of GFZ with colombian energy suppliers in the field of fossil fuels research.

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