GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

(German only) Forschungspodcast: Wasser und das Erdschwerefeld

GFZ Sendehinweis / Notification of GFZ broadcasts (_de: HELMHOLTZ-Resonator)

(German only) Holger Klein recently visited GFZ on the Telegrafenberg to record an episode of the HELMHOLTZ podcast Resonator. In the engaging interview "Water and the Earth's gravity field", he had the opportunity to delve into discussion with our colleague Eva Börgens (1.3 Earth System Modelling). They explored her work, the intricacies of the gravity field (geoid), the functioning of our GRACE(-FO) satellites, and the nuances of data interpretation regionally as well as globally.

Wherever there are podcasts and online here:
Link: Resonator Podcast Episode - "Water and the Earth´s Gravity Field"


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