GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

BMBF Young Investigators Group

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports innovative projects and ideas in research through targeted funding programmes. At the GFZ the following BMBF Junior Research Groups have been funded:

flooded street with shops and a motorcyclist


Floods are the natural hazard that affects the most people worldwide. The HI-CliF project aims to quantify flood risks, focussing on the impact on health and well-being. In particular, adaptation pathways will be developed in the context of future climatic and socio-economic changes.

Core competencies:

1. Multi-sector flood risk analysis

2. Climate adaptation pathways

3. Health-Risk due to water contamination

4. Public-health interventions in the context of Natural Hazards

Young Investigators Group Leader: Nivedita Sairam

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