Gruppenseminare 2024
Unlocking the Seismic Perspective in Conservation Biology with Machine Learning and Footfall Signals.
- Referent: René Steinmann (Erdbebengefährdung und dynamische Risiken, GFZ)
- Termin: 04. September 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Quantifying Surface Processes and Erosion in an Intra-Continental Mountain Belt: A Case Study from the Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan.
- Referent: Lingxiao Gong (Universität Potsdam)
- Termin: 17. Juli 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Is Climate Change Increasing Disasters?
- Referent: Ilan Kelman (University College London)
- Termin: 05. Juni 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Unlocking Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics of Degrading Himalayan Glaciated and de-Glaciated Catchments.
- Referent: Sarwar Nizam (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 29. Mai 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
The Transit Time of Carbon Through the Terrestrial Biosphere.
- Referent: Carlos Sierra (Max-Planck Instituts für Biogeochemie Jena)
- Termin: 15. Mai 2024, 13:00
- Ort: F409, zoom
Array Seismologic Insights into the Largest Skaftá Jökulhlaup (GLOF).
- Referent: Thoralf Dietrich (Universität Potsdam)
- Termin: 08. Mai 2024, 13:15 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Deserts to Mountains: Modeling Transient Landscape Dynamics Using Landlab.
- Referent: Erkan Istanbulluoglu (University of Washington, Seattle)
- Termin: 24. April 2024, 13:00
- Ort: F409, zoom
How Aquifers Respond to Rainfall.
- Referent: Eric Lajeunesse (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris)
- Termin: 10. April 2024, 13:00
- Ort: F409, zoom
Surface Sciences.
- Referentin: Anne Voigtländer (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Termin: 09. April 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Individual Landslides.
- Referent: Peng Zeng (Chengdu University of Technology)
- Termin: 03. April 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Luminescence as a sediment tracing tool.
- Referentin: Anna-Maartje de Boer (Wageningen University & Research)
- Termin: 27. März 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Proterozoic Exhumation and Sediment Transport on the North American Midcontinent Revealed with (U-Th)/He Thermochronology.
- Referentin: Barra A. Peak (University of Colorado, Boulder)
- Termin: 20. März 2024, 13:00
- Ort: F409, zoom
Monitoring Groundwater Dynamics in a Mountain Ridge Using Seismic Interferometry: Influence of Topography, Local Subsurface Structure and Meteorological Conditions.
- Referent: Luc Illien (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 06. März 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Landscape Variations in the Ordos Block Following Tectonic and Climatic Gradients and its Possible Impact on Chemical Weathering.
- Referent: Yuezhi Zhong (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 28. Februar 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Predicting Grain-Size for Studying Nile Paleo-floods.
- Referent: Louison Laruelle (Erdbebengefährdung und dynamische Risiken, GFZ)
- Termin: 21. Februar 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Enhancing Debris Flow Warning through Seismic Feature Selection and Machine Learning Model Comparison.
- Referent: Qi Zhou (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 14. Februar 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Organic Carbon Dynamics in Glacial Impurities and Permafrost.
- Referent: Sarwar Nizam (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad)
- Termin: 07. Februar 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Landslides in Dry Hilly Areas of North-Eastern Romania: Implications for Geoheritage, Hazard, and Risk.
- Referent: Mihai Niculita (A.I. Cuza University, Iași)
- Termin: 31. Januar 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Shear Stress and Bedload during Flood Bores.
- Referent: Jonathan B. Laronne (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
- Termin: 24. Januar 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: A27, zoom
The Influence of Periodic Environmental Change on Carpathian Sediment Routing Systems.
- Referent: Fergus McNab (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 17. Januar 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
SAR Interferometry Applications in Land Monitoring and Earth Surface Process Detection.
- Referent: Nicusor Necula (A.I. Cuza University, Iași)
- Termin: 10. Januar 2024, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: F409, zoom
Gruppenseminare 2022
Benford's Law in Bedload Data from Long-Term Acoustic Recordings in the Liwu River, Taiwan.
- Referent: Ci-Jian Yang (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 30. November 2022, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: online
Groundwater and Landscape Erosion due to Climate Change: A Non-Linear Numerical Modelling to Investigate the Transient Groundwater Storage Variability in the Nepal Himalayas.
- Referentin: Kapiolani Teagai (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 29. November 2022, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: online
Monitoring and Modeling Physical Weathering of Marls in Badland and Effect on Erosion, Draix-Bléone CZO.
- Referentin: Coline Ariagno (Université Grenoble Alpes)
- Termin: 23. November 2022, 13:00
- Ort: online
Rates, Mechanisms, and Implications of Natural Rock Cracking.
- Referentin: Monica Rasmussen (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
- Termin: 09. November 2022, 13:00
- Ort: Großer Refraktor
Lithology and Tectonics: Building the Inorganic Carbon Budget of a Young Mountain Range.
- Referentin: Erica Erlanger (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 26. Oktober 2022, 10:50 Uhr
- Ort: Großer Refraktor
Open Access Publications.
- ReferentInnen: Diana Otto, Katrin Quetting und Marcel Meistring (Bibliothek und Informationsdienste, GFZ)
- Termin: 19. Oktober 2022, 13:00
- Ort: online
The GFZ Graduate Program.
- Referent: Johannes Petereit (Personalabteilung, GFZ)
- Termin: 12. Oktober 2022, 13:00
- Ort: online
GitLab? Lessons from Software Development for Better Research.
- Referent: Gunnar Pruß (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 28. September 2022, 13:00
- Ort: online
Datafied Research: The Role of Data and Digital Infrastructures in Present and Future Research.
- Referentin: Lina Franken (LMU München)
- Termin: 21. September 2022, 13:00
- Ort: Großer Refraktor
Impressions from the Kyrgyzstan Field Trip & Short Introduction into QFields.
- Referent: Andreas Ruby (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 14. September 2022, 13:00
- Ort: online
Surface Manifestations of Mantle Processes: Examples from Madagascar?
- Referent: Simon Stephenson (University of Oxford)
- Termin: 31. August 2022, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: online
Scale-Dependent Controls on Landscape Evolution: Insights from River Profile Inversion and Spectral Analysis.
- Referentin: Victoria Milanez Fernandes (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 24. August 2022, 13:00
- Ort: Seminarraum 1-3 (Haus H) & online
Cubism and Geomorphology.
- Referent: Donovan Dennis (Geochemie der Erdoberfläche, GFZ)
- Termin: 06. Juli 2022, 13:00
- Ort: Großer Refraktor
Impacts of Glacially-driven Base Level Change on River Channel Long Profile Across Timescales: Whitewater River, southeastern Minnesota, USA.
- Referentin: Shanti Penprase (University of Minnesota)
- Termin: 29. Juni 2022, 13:00
- Ort: online
Greening Antarctic Peninsula: Moss Kill Dates and Isotope Geochemistry Show Long-term Glacier and Climate Changes over the Last Two Millennia.
- Referent: David Beilman (University of Hawai'i)
- Termin: 21. Juni 2022, 13:00
- Ort: online
Upscaling Hydrological Modelling.
- Referent: James Craig (University of Waterloo, Canada)
- Termin: 15. Juni 2022, 16:00
- Ort: online
Probabilitstic Model of Earthquake Induced Landslide Populations: What do we need and what can we learn about the landscape and ground shaking properties?
- Referent: Odin Marc (Géosciences Environnement Toulouse)
- Termin: 08. Juni 2022, 13:15
- Ort: online
The Application of 239+240Pu as Soil Particle Tracer: Deciphering the Loss of Soil Organic Matter in Ploughed Soils, Republic of South Africa.
- Referent: Joel Mohren (Universität zu Köln)
- Termin: 04. Mai 2022, 13:15
- Ort: online
An Optimum Flooding Condition for Channel Stabilization.
- Referent: Eric Barefoot (University of Minnesota)
- Termin: 02. Mai 2022, 13:15
- Ort: online
Is Mountain Weathering a Source or Sink of CO2?
- Referent: Jesse Zondervan (University of Oxford)
- Termin: 27. April 2022, 13:15
- Ort: online
Dynamic Support of Orogen Elevation.
- Referent: Claudio Faccenna (Dynamik der Lithosphäre, GFZ)
- Termin: 23. März 2022, 13:15
- Ort: online
Desert flash floods: Measuring water and sediment in rivers of the Southwest USA.
- Referent: Kyle Stark (New Mexico Tech)
- Termin: 09. März 2022, 13:15
- Ort: online
Mapping Glacier Basal Motion using Gradient Tree Boosting.
- Referentin: Josefine Umlauft (ScaDS.AI)
- Termin: 16. Februar 2022, 13:00
- Ort: online
Sensitivity of Landslide Susceptibility/Hindcast Models.
- Referent: Ugur Öztürk (Erdbebengefährdung und dynamische Risiken, GFZ)
- Termin: 26. Januar 2022, 13:15
- Ort: online
Slow-moving Landslides in Volcanic Tropical Island: Example of the Hell-Bourg Landslide (La Réunion).
- Referentin: Claire Rault (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières)
- Termin: 19. Januar 2022, 13:15
- Ort: online
Morphologies of Active Volcanoes in Kamchatka Studied with Aerial Photogrammetry.
- Referentin: Alina Shevchenko (Universität Potsdam)
- Termin: 12. Januar 2022, 13:15 Uhr
- Ort: online
Gruppenseminare 2021
Neutrons and Minerals.
- Referent: Vadim Sikolenko (KIT & JINR/FLNP Dubna)
- Termin: 24. November 2021, 13:15
- Ort: online
Hydro-abrasion Processes at Hydraulic Structures and Steep Bedrock Rivers.
- Referentin: Dila Demiral (ETH Zürich)
- Termin: 17. November 2021, 13:15
- Ort: online
Earth Surface: Steeper and More Stable than Commonly Assumed.
- Referentin: Anne Voigtländer (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 03. November 2021, 13:15
- Ort: online
Landslide Geometry Reveals its Trigger.
- Referent: Kamal Rana (Rochester Institute of Technology)
- Termin: 20. Oktober 2021, 13:15
- Ort: online
Rivers that don’t fit the mold: Restoration of disconnected non-equilibrium semi-alluvial rivers.
- Referentin: Lina Polvi Sjöberg (Universität Umeå)
- Termin: 29. September 2021, 13:15
- Ort: online
- Referentinnen: Annett Hüttges, Anke Lerch und Carola Kögler (Konfliktberatungsstelle, GFZ)
- Termin: 15. September 2021, 13:00
- Ort: online
Detection, observation, and potential for early warning of catastrophic flow events using regional seismic networks.
- Referentin: Kristen Cook (Geomorphologie)
- Termin: 09. September 2021, 13:15
- Ort: online
Unmixing river sediments for the elemental geochemistry of their source-regions.
- Referent: Alex Lipp (Imperial College London)
- Termin: 01. September 2021, 13:15
- Ort: online
Climatic control on erosion of volcanic ocean islands over millennial and million-year timescales.
- Referentin: Kimberly Huppert (Erdoberflächenprozessmodellierung, GFZ)
- Termin: 25. August 2021, 13:15
- Ort: online
A sediment grain’s journey, from source to sink.
- Referent: Mikael Attal (University of Edinburgh)
- Termin: 18. August 2021, 13:15
- Ort: online
Width and Slope Adjustment in Boulder-bed Bedrock Channels: Theory and Field Data.
- Referent: Ron Nativ (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
- Termin: 11. August 2021, 13:15
- Ort: online
Rain and small earthquakes maintain a slow moving landslide in a persistent critical state.
- Referentin: Noelie Bontemps (ISTerre Grenoble)
- Termin: 09. Juni 2021, 13:00
- Ort: online
Struggles with stream power: Connecting theory across scales.
- Referent: Jeremy G. Venditti (Simon Fraser University)
- Termin: 02. Juni 2021, 17:00
- Ort: online
From the past to the present and back. The mercury signal formation in environmental archives.
- Referentin: Marta Pérez Rodríguez (TU Braunschweig)
- Termin: 26. Mai 2021, 13:00
- Ort: online
Fluoride release from flume experiments and during extreme floods: examples from Nepal and Taiwan.
- Referent*innen: Sabrina Hennig (Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf), Erica Erlanger & Christoff Andermann (Geomorphologie)
- Termin: 19. Mai 2021, 13:00
- Ort: online
Tectonic and climatic controls on glacial basal thermal regimes and glacial erosion patterns.
- Referent: Jingtao Lai (Erdoberflächenprozessmodellierung, GFZ)
- Termin: 12. Mai 2021, 13:00
- Ort: online
Large scale flood risk analyses.
- Referentin: Heidi Kreibich (Hydrologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 05. Mai 2021, 13:00
- Ort: online
Simplified simulation of rock avalanches and subsequent debris flows with a single thin-layer model. Application to the Prêcheur river (Martinique, Lesser Antilles).
- Referent: Marc Perruzzetto (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières)
- Termin: 14. April 2021, 13:00
- Ort: online
Migrating mountains? The influence of orographic rainfall on landscape evolution of the Aconquija Range.
- Referentin: Taylor Schildgen (Geomorphologie)
- Termin: 31. März 2021, 13:00
- Ort: online
Millennial scale denudation of steep, alpine rock walls through thermo-cryogenic pre-conditioned rock fall (Mt. Eiger, Switzerland).
- Referent: David Mair (Universität Bern)
- Termin: 24. Februar 2021, 13:15
- Ort: online (zoom)
Topographic growth of the Northern Andes, Colombia, and its relationship to slab geometry, climate, and biodiversity.
- Referent: Richard Ott (Geochemie der Erdoberfläche)
- Termin: 17. Februar 2021, 13:15
- Ort: online
The anatomy of abrupt climate change: A spatiotemporal perspective from high resolution lacustrine biomarker stable isotope records.
- Referent: Dirk Sachse (Geomorphologie)
- Termin: 10. Februar 2021, 13:15
- Ort: online
Consequences of permafrost degradation in an alpine bedrock ridge
- Referent: Riccardo Scandroglio (TU München)
- Termin: 27. Januar 2021, 13:00
- Ort: online
Bedload transport patterns in Alpine catchments
- Referent: Gilles Antoniazza (Geomorphologie)
- Termin: 20. Januar 2021, 13:00
- Ort: online
Gruppenseminare 2020
Responses of gravel-bed rivers to periodic climate change
- Referent: Fergus McNab (Geomorphologie)
- Termin: 25. November 2020, 13:00
- Ort: online
Constraining the hydrological cycle of a steep catchment in the Nepal Himalayas with seismic interferometry and targeted observations
- Referent: Luc Illien (Geomorphologie)
- Termin: 11. November 2020, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409 und online
The analysis of 10 years of data unveils the response of a metastable volcanic edifice to external forcings
- Referentin: Virginie Durand (Geomechanik und Wissenschaftliches Bohren, GFZ)
- Termin: 04. November 2020, 13:00
- Ort: online
Quaternary uplift variations along the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau
- Referentin: Simone Racano (Geomorphologie)
- Termin: 28. Oktober 2020, 13:00
- Ort: Haus H, VR2/3 und online
Dynamic Landforms: Vibrational & Structural Investigations of Natural Rock Arches
- Referent: Paul Geimer (University of Utah)
- Termin: 07. Oktober 2020, 16:00
- Ort: online
Reactivation of Dormant Rivers in North Africa During the Last Glacial Cycle
- Referentin: Cecile Blanchet (Klimadynamik und Landschaftsentwicklung, GFZ)
- Termin: 01. April 2020, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Data, Equipment and Sample Management @4.6
- Referenten: Oliver Rach & Gunnar Pruß (Geomorphologie)
- Termin: 04. März 2020, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Expressions of Mantle Dynamics in Modern and Ancient Landscapes
- Referent: Fergus McNab (University of Cambridge)
- Termin: 12. Februar 2020, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
The Origin of Asian Dust
- Referent: Niels Meijer (Universität Potsdam)
- Termin: 22. Januar 2020, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Seasonal Hydroclimate Across the Himalayas: Insights from Meteorological and Dendroisotopic Records
- Referentin: Camilla Brunello (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 15. Januar 2020, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Using Cosmogenic 21Ne to Quantify Sediment Residence Time in Large-scale Fluvial Systems Throughout the Geological Record
- Referent: Michal Ben-Israel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Termin: 13. Januar 2020, 14:00 Uhr
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Arts in the Critical Zone
- Referent: n.a.
- Termin: 07. Januar 2020, 13:00 Uhr
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Gruppenseminare 2019
Making sense of glacier thinning in High Mountain Asia
- Referent: Leif Anderson (Geochemie der Erdoberfläche, GFZ)
- Termin: 27. November 2019, 13:30
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Exploring the physics of glaciers and rivers using dedicated field monitoring
- Referent: Florent Gimbert (IGE Grenoble - CNRS)
- Termin: 20. November 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Disequilibrium river networks dissecting the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, California record significant late Cenozoic tilting and associated surface uplift
- Referentin: Helen Beeson (ETH Zürich)
- Termin: 29. Oktober 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Multiple Cosmogenic Nuclide Analysis in Sedimentary Systems: New Possibilities and Challenges
- Referentin: Kristina Hippe (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Termin: 25. September 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Holocene Paleoecological and Climatic Reconstruction Using Multiple Biotic Proxies from Lake Sediments in the Central Ganga Plains, India
- Referentin: Pavani Misra (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)
- Termin: 18. September 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Paleodenudation Reconstructions Over Different Timescales
- Referent: Pierre-Henri Blard (CRPG Nancy)
- Termin: 10. September 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Drainage Divide Forms in Asymmetric Uplift
- Referent: Chuanqi He (Universität Zhejiang)
- Termin: 30. August 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Decreasing water availability as a threat for traditional land-use systems in the Upper Mustang-Himalaya/Nepal
- Referent: Jussi Grießinger (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Termin: 03. Juli 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Hillslope Evolution in Rocky, Blocky Landscapes
- Referentin: Rachel Glade (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Termin: 13. Juni 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude A27, Raum 102
Vulnerability of Temperate Forests during the 2015 and 2018 Summer Droughts
- Referent: Ansgar Kahmen (Universität Basel)
- Termin: 12. Juni 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude H, Raum VR
Spy Satellites for Good
- Referentin: Catalina Munteanu (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Termin: 05. Juni 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Chemical Weathering and Sedimentary Recycling: Towards a Chemically Inert Earth Surface?
- Referent: Julien Bouchez (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris)
- Termin: 29. Mai 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Late Quaternary Seismicity in the Western Nepal Himalaya: A Journey through Lacustrine Paleoseismology
- Referent: Zak Ghazoui (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 28. Mai 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Eruptions of metamorphic CO2 and perturbations of hydrothermal activity following the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in central Nepal: Perspectives for the coming Himalayan megaquake?
- Referent: Frederic Girault (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris)
- Termin: 22. Mai 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
The Panama Isthmus Closing and its Impact on Ocean and Climate Dynamics - a Multiproxy Approach
- Referentin: Carme Huguet (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá)
- Termin: 20. Mai 2019, 15:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Everything but Tectonics: Reading Climate and Lithology from Topography
- Referent: Joel Johnson (University of Texas, Austin)
- Termin: 15. Mai 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude H, VR1
Why are carbonate mountains high and steep? How carbonates denude and the implications for the stream power model
- Referent: Richard Ott (ETH Zürich)
- Termin: 03. Mai 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Grains to landscapes: Sediment transport, channel dynamics, and river self-organization
- Referent: Colin Phillips (Northwestern University)
- Termin: 16. April 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Exhumation history of the Namche Barwa Syntaxis (Eastern Himalaya) and implications for models of tectonic – surface process coupling
- Referent: Peter van der Beek (Université Grenoble Alpes)
- Termin: 03. April 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Topographic Controls on Streamflow Emergence
- Referent: Jeff Prancevic (ETH Zürich)
- Termin: 27. März 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Earthquake Induced Sediment Supply in Himalayan Rivers
- Referent: David Puhl (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Termin: 20. März 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Spectra, Species, Services - Imaging Spectroscopy for an Assessment of Ecosystem Properties
- Referent: Hannes Feilhauer (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Termin: 13. März 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Learning More to Predict Landslides
- Referent: Ugur Öztürk (Erdbebengefährdung und dynamische Risiken, GFZ)
- Termin: 06. März 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Rainfall-induced Landslide: A Story of Satellites, Storms, Climate and even Rocks!
- Referent: Odin Marc (ETH Zürich)
- Termin: 27. Februar 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Yangtze Upstream-River Network Expansion Reveals Potential Top-Down Incision
- Referent: Alexander Rohrmann (Universität Potsdam)
- Termin: 20. Februar 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
The relevance of diffusion processes for desert pavement dynamics - an experimental study
- Referentin: Hannah Derkum (Universität Salzburg)
- Termin: 06. Februar 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Cosmogenic 10Be in River Sediments: Where Grain Size Matters and Why
- Referentin: Renee van Dongen (Geochemie der Erdoberfläche, GFZ)
- Termin: 30. Januar 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Disturbance Ecogeomorphology
- Referent: Christian Mohr (Universität Potsdam)
- Termin: 23. Januar 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Rio Bermejo: Interannual fluctuations in organic carbon export from the Andean foreland
- Referentin: Nina Golombek (Universität Potsdam)
- Termin: 09. Januar 2019, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Gruppenseminare 2018
Bedrock Canyons Carved by the Largest Known Floods on Earth and Mars
- Referent: Michael Lamb (Caltech)
- Termin: 06. Dezember 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Seismic Monitoring for Rockfall Disaster in Orogenic Belt: A Case Study in Liwu Catchment, Taiwan
- Referent: Jui-Ming Chang (National Taiwan University)
- Termin: 05. Dezember 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Debris-Covered Glacier Dynamics
- Referent: Leif Anderson (Geochemie der Erdoberfläche, GFZ)
- Termin: 28. November 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Earthquake Induced Sediment Pulses in Himalayan Rivers
- Referent: David Puhl (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Termin: 21. November 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Spatial Correlation Bias in Late-Cenozoic Erosion Histories Derived from Thermochronology
- Referentin: Taylor Schildgen (Geomorphologie)
- Termin: 16. November 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
How Sensitive Are Catchment-Fan Systems to Rapid Climate Change? Geomorphic and Stratigraphic Evidence from Death Valley, USA
- Referent: Sam Brooke (Imperial College London)
- Termin: 07. November 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Long-Chain Diols: New Biomarker Proxies to Reconstruct Temperature and River Input
- Referentin: Julie Lattaud (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research - NIOZ)
- Termin: 05. November 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Measuring Decadal Vertical Land-level Changes from SRTM-C and TanDEM-X in the South-Central Andes
- Referent: Ben Purinton (Universität Potsdam)
- Termin: 24. Oktober 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Exploiting the Rio Bermejo Natural Laboratory to Investigate Geochemical Signals of Surficial Processes
- Referentin: Marisa Repasch (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 17. Oktober 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
- Referenten: Jessica Thompson (USGS)
- Termin: 10. Oktober 2018, 13:00
- Ort: A27 (Großer Refraktor), Room 102
Remote sensing of water vapor and soil moisture
- Referenten: Jens Wickert & Galina Dick (Geodätische Weltraumverfahren, GFZ)
- Termin: 26. September 2018, 15:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
- Referentin: Susan Conway (Université de Nantes)
- Termin: 19. September 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Quantifying Sediment Transport and Fluvial Processes with Acoustic Backscatter Techniques
- Referent: Ricardo Szupiany (Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina)
- Termin: 05. September 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Weathering, Rock Erodibility, and Bedrock Channel Shape
- Referent: Charlie Shobe (University of Colorado, Boulder)
- Termin: 09. Juli 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Discussing the Paleoclimate n-alkane Biomarker Proxy - First Results from Comparing Two Adjacent Lakes in Northern Poland from 13007 to 10500 cal yr bp
- Referentin: Theresa Grunwald (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 20. Juni 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Sediment Dynamics and Sediment Connectivity in the Kosi Basin: Implications for River Hazards
- Referent: Rajiv Sinha (Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)
- Termin: 13. Juni 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Exploiting Sentinel-1 Coherence Data to Map Erosional Transitions in Arid and Semi-Arid Mountain Landscapes
- Referentin: Stephanie Olen (Universität Potsdam)
- Termin: 06. Juni 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Paleosoils of Upper Mustang (Nepal): New Insights into their Origin from Leaf Wax Isotope and Grain Size Data
- Referentin: Johanna Menges (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 30. Mai 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Why Pre-Existing Conditions Matter in Geomorphology: From Turbulence to Landscape Evolution
- Referentin: Elowyn Yager (Center for Ecohydraulics Research, University of Idaho)
- Termin: 23. Mai 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Exhumation and Erosion of the Southern Alps of New Zealand at Million-Year and Thousand-Year Scales Based on Bedrock Thermochronology and Detrital Provenance Analysis
- Referent: Ruohong Jiao (Erdoberflächenprozess-Modellierung, GFZ)
- Termin: 25. April 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Linking River Incision to Deposition for Ocean, and for Continent: A New Implicit and O(n) Method
- Referent: Xiaoping Yuan (Erdoberflächenprozess-Modellierung, GFZ)
- Termin: 18. April 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Braided Channels, by Land and by Sea
- Referent: Ajay Limaye (St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota)
- Termin: 04. April 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Small Dynamic Mountainous Rivers in Taiwan Witness Large Sedimentary Geochemical and Provenance Heterogeneity Over Multi-Spatial Scales
- Referent: Kai Deng (Geochemie der Erdoberfläche, GFZ)
- Termin: 21. März 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
3D Integrated Water and Suspended Sediment Discharge on the Narayani River in Nepal
- Referent: Stefan Liening (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Termin: 14. März 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Biochemical and Metabolic Effects on the Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Organic Compounds in Plants
- Referent: Marc-Andre Cormier (Geomorphologie, GFZ)
- Termin: 07. März 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409
Avulsion and the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Debris-Flow Fans
- Referent: Tjalling de-Haas (University of Durham)
- Termin: 05. März 2018, 13:00
- Ort: Gebäude F, Raum 409