Latest News on AOD1B
Dec 7th, 2017: AOD1B RL05 is no longer updated
Oct 19th, 2017: Version 6.1 of the product description document is available here
April 7th, 2017: AOD1B RL06 data now publicly available here.
Dec 1st, 2016: We started to routinely calculate AOD1B forecasts for up to 6 days into the future; the latest forecast file is publicly available here. Please note that the AOD1B forecasts are experimental at this stage and might be modified or even discontinued without further notice. In case you are interested in using this data-set regularly, please let Henryk Dobslaw know via e-mail.
Nov 20th, 2016: The most important difference between AOD1B RL05 and RL06 is the treatment of atmospheric tides. In RL06, all tidal signals in atmosphere and ocean are estimated and removed from the AOD1B time-series, and are provided in terms of separate sets of Stokes coefficients. Please refer to Chapters 5 and 6 of the AOD1B Product Description Document Version 6.0 for further details.
Nov 20th, 2016: AOD1B RL05 is still processed with a typical latency of 4-7 days. The calculation of AOD1B RL05 will be continued as long as RL05 Level-2 products are generated by the SDS.
Nov 20th, 2016: AOD1B RL06 is now routinely updated every day, products for the previous day are usually available at ISDC at around 10:00 UTC. The products are currently accessable for members of the GRACE Science Data System only.