GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dr. Jessica Stammeier

Group Leader
Dr. Jessica Stammeier
Building B, Room 323 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Research Interests:

I am an analytical geochemist, driven by unraveling the element distribution and cycling in Earth's history and the processes shaping its resources. My research utilizes geochemical techniques to unravel the secrets hidden within rocks and and aqueous reservoirs. There are many ways to unveil Earths past and present secrets, e.g. by looking at the element distribution within the rock record. Some of them can be used to reconstruct past paleo-conditions, others to comprehend the processes that occured over time.

So why choose one? As lab manager of the geochemistry labs I have the fortune to gain insights in various ongoing research topics.

Some of my particular interests (but not limited to):

  • The impact of geodynamic changes on the element distribution
  • Palaeo-environmental reconstruction using element and isotope proxies
  • Diagenetic influence on isotope and element proxies
  • Precambrian-Cambrian boundary & Phosphorites/ sedimentary apatite
  • Geochemistry of sedimentary seawater archives
  • Generally Fluid-rock interactions
  • Characterization of geologic reservoirs
  • Element distribution between those reservoirs
  • Interaction between the different spheres: geo-/bio-/cryo...
  • ...


since Nov. 2019:

  • Workgroup leader in section 3.1 Anorganic und Isotopegeochemistry
  • Responsible for the Geochemistry labs of the ElMiE-Labs
  • Inkl. ICP MS & ICP OES
  • Auch Ansprechbar für IC, XRF, CHNS

09/2018 - 10/2019 Labormanager Reinstraum & Multi-Collector ICP MS,NAWI Graz Central Lab Water, Minerals and Rocks Technische Universität Graz, Österreich


  • 02/2015 – 09/2018  Doctorate – Mineralogy/Geochemistry; Graz University of Technology, Austria
  • 10/2009 – 10/2014  Bachelor and Master of Science – Geoscience; University Hamburg, Germany

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