GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Dipl.-Met. Franz Ossing

Dipl.-Met. Franz Ossing
Building G, Room 225 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

1994 - 2016 Head, GFZ Public Relations

Research Interests:

Science communication; Science and arts, photography


Franz Ossing, meteorologist (diploma)

born 1949 in Gescher/Westphalia, lives in Berlin since 1971, 

education as a meteorologist (with emphasis on Theoretical Meteorology), diploma thesis in 1979 (FU Berlin)  „CUNIMB – a numerical model of deep convection“: mathematical modelling of the  life cycle of a thunderstorm;

after diploma 10 years scientific work in projects in numerical simulation of air pollution on a regional/supraregional scale (FU Berlin, TU Berlin);

career in the Berlin Center for Innovation (BIG) and in  aircraft industry as a project manager for  environment and technology consulting;

from 1994  through 2016 head of GFZ Public Relations

since 2016 active in science communication and in Science in the Arts.

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