GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

M. Sc. Elisa Katharina Peter

PhD Student
M. Sc. Elisa Katharina Peter
Building A 71, Room 222 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Research Interests:

View my last research updates on the Interface Geochemistry webpage:


2016 - 2019: MSc Life Science at Leibniz University - Hannover, Germany

Thesis: Identification and Quantitation of Terpenoid Indole Alkaloids from Catharanthus roseus.
(Northeastern University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Prof. Carolyn Lee-Parsons)

2011 - 2016: BSc Biochemistry at Leibniz University - Hannover, Germany

Thesis: Enzymatic degradation of β-Carotene and identification of non-volatile degradation products.
(Leibniz University, Dept. of Food Chemistry, Prof. Dr. Ralf Günter Berger)


My PhD project is part of the ERC Synergy Grant DEEP PURPLE (2020-2025), investigating the physical and microbial processes that darken the Greenland Ice Sheet and accelerate sea level rise.
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