GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Correlation-based comparison of time series ensembles

Windowed cross-correlation analysis is a method to compare two time series. We extend the method to compare entire ensembles of time series. A novel glyph-based visualization and exploration method enables scientists to examine the time-varying correlation between ensembles and the associated uncertainties.

Video: Correlation-based comparison of time series ensembles (mp4)

Publication: Köthur, P., Witt, C., Sips, M., Marwan, N., Schinkel, S., Dransch, D. (2015): Visual Analytics for Correlation-Based Comparison of Time Series Ensembles. - Computer Graphics Forum, 34, 3, p. 411-420.

In cooperation with Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research - Research Domain 4: Transdisciplinary Concepts & Methods

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