GFZ German research centre for geo sciences


SHEER – SHale gas Exploration and Exploitation induced Risks
EU project H2020


People: Simone Cesca, Jose Angel Lopez Comino, Daniela Kühn, Torsten Dahm

AMRA Scarl (Italy, coordinator),
Institute of Geophysics – Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland),
Keele University (UK),
KNMI (Netherland),
RSKW Ltd (UK),
University of Glasgow (UK),
University of Wyoming (US)

Project webpage:

The SHEER project addresses the topic LCE-16-2014: Understanding, preventing and mitigating the potential environmental impacts and risks of Shale Gas Exploration and Exploitation. SHEER will set up a probabilistic methodology to assess and mitigate the short and the long term environmental risks connected to the exploration and exploitation of shale gas. SHEER will utilize monitoring data available in literature integrated by monitoring data acquired during the project in one European shale gas exploitation site.
Our contribution to SHEER concerns different WPs, from the seismic monitoring, to the analysis and interpretation of seismic data, to the development of best practice guidelines.
Our team is responsible for WP4, on the assessment of induced seismicity related to shale gas extraction technological activity. There, we focus on the development and application of tools devoted to the assessment of the monitoring performance, microseismicity detection, location and characterization.
Wir tragen auch stark zu WP3 bei, um die Umweltauswirkungen der We also strongly contribute to WP3, on the monitoring of the environmental impacts of shale gas exploration/exploitation at the Wysin site before, during and after termination of fracking operations, through the deployment and operation of dedicated seismic networks and arrays.

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