GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

An improved automatic scheme for empirical baseline correction of digital strong-motion records.

Wang, R., Schurr, B., Milkereit, C., Shao, Z., Jin, M. (2011): 

In this paper we presented an improved automatic scheme for correcting the event-induced baseline shifts in strong-motion records. The new scheme is validated by a number of test cases. Several excellent results are achieved under certain optimal condition. In all test cases, the co-seismic displacements derived from the strong-motion records agree within about 20% with GPS measurements or model-based predictions. Particularly, the low or null displacements at far-field stations are reproduced robustly, too. We have shown that if the source area is well covered by strong-motion stations, the magnitude and major slip asperities of the earthquake can be resolved reliably by the ground acceleration based co-seismic displacement data. This suggests an implementation of the present baseline correction scheme for the purpose of tsunami early warning and rapid earthquake information systems, particularly in regions where not real-time GPS data are available.


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