GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Petroleum Experts Limited (Petex) has granted 10 educational licences of the MOVE Suite Software to Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

Petex  is a petroleum engineering and structural geology company based in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. The MOVE suite , is the most complete structural modelling and analysis toolkit available and enables three dimensional analysis and structural modeling of deformation of the Earth crust through time. Tools in the software package aid in cross section reconstruction, kinematic restoration, 3D model building, geomechanical modeling, fracture studies and stress analysis.

Petex has kindly granted 10 educational licences of the MOVE suite, which equates to an equivalent donation of £1.872.218,26 of software to the GFZ Potsdam. The section 4.1 “Lithsphere Dynamics” of the GFZ Potsdam would like to sincerely thank Petex for this generous donation, which will strongly support our research and teaching.

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