GRACE Science Team Meeting 2016

The GRACE Science Team Meeting 2016 was held on October 5-7, 2016 at Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.

More than 100 scientists from 12 countries participated in the meeting.

The GRACE Science Team Meeting 2016 was organized by moderated discussions on specific themes, each consisting of invited and contributed presentations plus room for open-floor questions and answers. The format of the moderated sessions was in the responsibility of the respective conveners. The contributed abstracts were organized by subject, and delivered as either oral or poster presentations (see Meeting Program for further details).

The meeting was opened with a brief Project Status session, which consisted of updates on the mission status, the flight segment technical status with special emphasis on the battery situation, and status and information on the latest operational Level-1B and RL05 Level-2 data releases from the GRACE Science Data System.


A. GRACE Geodesy

A.1 Analysis Techniques & Inter-comparisons
For presentations on methods, algorithms and results from GRACE data analysis and error assessments providing insights into spatio-temporal signal content including diverse methods of error reduction. The session also invites discussions on inter-comparisons between various GRACE gravity time-series and assessments of the significance of the differences and analysis of possible causes.
Session Convener: Srinivas Bettadpur

A.2 GRACE Follow-On & NGGM
Discussion of the status of the GRACE Follow-On mission and progress towards the realization, technology, simulation and error analyses of Next Generation Gravity Mission concepts. Also invited are papers dealing with methods other than GRACE for bridging the potential data gap between GRACE and GRACE Follow-On.
Session Convener: Felix Landerer

B. Geophysics & Climate Science Applications

B.1 Solid Earth Sciences
Papers are invited on studies of the GIA and the Earth's crustal structure; lithospheric and mantle properties; analyses of seismic events, etc, using the long-term mean and time-variable gravity field.
Session Convener: Erik Ivins

B.2 Cryosphere
This session will address the measurements of change in the Earth's ice sheets, at all spatio-temporal scales, the science advancements and open questions in the interpretation of these GRACE results, current uncertainties as well fusion/cross-validation of GRACE data with other sensors and models.
Session Convener: Ingo Sasgen

B.3 Oceanography Papers are solicited on the advances in oceanographic applications of GRACE data products, including signal interpretation and model assimilation. Other topics include, but are not limited to, the validation of data products, the studies of regional or global oceanographic processes, exploitation of GRACE data products jointly with data from other missions (such as GOCE), or other in situ oceanographic measurement systems (e.g. ARGO), etc.
Session Convener: Richard Ray

B.4 Hydrology
Papers are solicited on advances in hydrological applications of GRACE data products, including signal interpretation and model assimilation. Papers on the assessment of hydrological trends and long-term water storage variations are solicited, as are paper reporting on GRACE data products that are optimized for terrestrial hydrology.
Session Convener: Andreas Güntner

B.5 Multidisciplinary Science
Some GRACE science topics do not readily fit into the categories available below. If you are unsure where your paper topics fit, please submit to this session. We will sort it out later. Session Convener: Carmen Böning B.6 Applications This session focuses on the applications of GRACE/GRACE-FO, together with other remote sensing, in-situ or numerical model data, to inform resource management, policy development, and decision-making at all time-scales. Some examples include EU's EGSIEM project, NASA's Applied Sciences Program, and other such efforts.
Session Convener: Annette Eicker

The following documents are available for download:

Below you can download the presentations and posters from the GRACE Science Team Meeting, that were not rejected by the authors for publication. From rejected presentations only the first page is included. Posters are only included, if we got a pdf-version until October 29. For each session one zip-file is available. These files contain all presentations of the session. The files are named by session, presentation sequence and the first author.


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