GRACE Science Team Meeting 2010

The GRACE Science Team Meeting 2010 was organized by moderated discussions on specific themes, each consisting of invited and contributed presentations plus room for open-floor questions and answers. The format of the moderated sessions was in the responsibility of the respective conveners. The contributed abstracts were organized by subject, and delivered as either oral or poster presentations. Abstracts were solicited from the Science Team members and other attendees for presentations in the following areas: GRACE Geodesy and Geophysics & Climate Science.

The meeting was opened with a brief Project Status session, which consisted of updates on the mission status, the flight segment technical status, and status and information on the latest operational RL04 and reprocessed RL05 data releases from the GRACE Science Data System.


A. GRACE Geodesy:

A.1 GRACE-Follow On:
Addresses the status of the GRACE Follow-On mission; and progress towards the realization and simulation of Next Generation gravity mission concepts.
Session Convener: Mike Watkins

A.2 Analysis Techniques:
For presentations on methods, algorithms and results from GRACE data analysis and error assessments; providing insights into spatio-temporal signal content; including diverse methods of error reduction.
Session Convener: Frank Flechtner

Results on combination and complementary results from GRACE and GOCE data.
Session Convener: Frank Flechtner

B. Geophysics & Climate Science Applications:

For each of the following topics, abstracts are solicited that report progress or new applications of GRACE data products to each science area.

B.1 Multidisciplinary Programs:
Presentations are solicited describing the science goals or progress within multi-disciplinary, and multi-institutional or multi-national science application programs, with either global or regional scope - whose one important element is the GRACE dataset (e.g. DFG’s “Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in System Earth”). This session can be viewed as a forum for showcasing progress, as well as for engaging wider community involvement.
Session Convener: Srinivas Bettadpur

B.2 Solid Earth Sciences
B.2.a - Understanding GIA
Session Convener: Erik Ivans

B.2.b - Studies of the Earth's crustal structure, lithospheric and mantle properties; Advances in the modeling and understanding of the Great Andaman/Sumatra Earthquake or other seismic events; as well as other related topics.
Session Convener: Bert Vermeersen

B.3 Cryosphere:
B.3.a - This session will address the measurements of change in the Earth's ice sheets, at all spatio-temporal scales; the science advancements and open questions in the interpretation of these GRACE results; current uncertainties; as well fusion/cross-validation of GRACE data with other sensors and models.
Session Convener: Isabella Velicogna

B.4 Oceanography:
B.4.a - Report from Workshop “Gravity from Space” for Oceans, land ice and sea level rise (Hamburg, Sep 29/30 2010)
Session Convener: Victor Zlotnicki, Jens Schröter

B.4.b - GRACE & the ACC.
Session Convener: Victor Zlotnicki

B.4.c - Ocean Processes & Validation:
This session addresses advances in the validation and oceanographic applications of GRACE data.
Session Convener: Jens Schröter

B.5 Hydrology:
B.5.a - Theme: Improving GRACE hydrology products. This session will report on the development of GRACE products that are optimized for terrestrial hydrology, including results from a working group within the science team that has taken on that challenge.
Session Convener: Matt Rodell

B.5.b - Papers are solicited on advances in hydrological applications of GRACE data products, including signal interpretation and model assimilation. Papers on the assessment of hydrological trends and long-term water storage variations are particularly encouraged.
Session Convener: Andreas Güntner

B.6 Other (non-Gravity) GRACE Applications:
Papers are solicited on studies of the GRACE Radio Occultation data; Atmospheric Density and Accelerometry; and other science applications of GRACE data un-related to the gravity fields.
Session Convener: Jens Wickert

The following documents are available for download:

Below you can download the presentations and posters from the GSTM-2010 that are released by the authors for publication.
For each session one zip-file is available. This files contains all released presentations of the session.

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