Joint International GSTM and DFG SPP Symposium

The 5 years design life time of the GRACE satellites has been reached on March 17, 2007. The satellites, instruments and ground systems are working well and the predicted remaining life time exceeds 5 years in every category. Following a comprehensive re-analysis which was completed in February 2007, the GRACE Science Data System has released a homogeneously reprocessed time series using updated background models and processing standards (Release 04). These improvements have enabled considerable progress in analysing mass transports and mass distributions in the Earth system. The launch of the GOCE satellite in December 2007 will further increase our knowledge of the static gravity field. GRACE-1 radio occultation measurements are routinely generated since autumn 2006 and are already assimilated together with CHAMP, COSMIC and METOP RO data by weather services.


Opening: GRACE and GOCE Status, Special Priority and NASA Programs (invited talks only)

The latest information on the GRACE mission status and SDS RL04 models, the GOCE mission status, the German Special Priority Program and further NASA programs will be presented (invited talks only).

Session A: Latest Results of GRACE Gravity Field Modelling

Besides the SDS “standard” GRACE gravity products provided as monthly spherical harmonic time series this session will focus on gravity field models derived from alternative representations (mascons, wavelet analysis, etc.), with higher temporal resolution, for regional interpretation and in combination with terrestrial gravity and other mission data.

Session B: Processing Methods and Background Modelling

Even with current GRACE RL04 gravity field models the projected mission baseline accuracy has not yet been reached and gravity field variations estimated from different GRACE solutions still differ and complicate geophysical interpretation. This session invites papers analysing deficiencies in the applied data pre- and post-processing methods or background models or demonstrating improvements for future reprocessing of GRACE mission data.

Session C: Combination and Validation

Papers are solicited dealing with a consistent data combination and mass signal separation e.g. by common inversion of gravimetric and geometric observations or combination of gravity observations from GRACE and terrestrial data.

Session D: Hydrological Applications

Papers are solicited dealing with progress in hydrological application such as comparison of GRACE products with hydrological models or in-situ data or assimilation of GRACE data into hydrological models.

Session E: Oceanographic Applications

This session addresses advances in analysis of GRACE-only or in combination with altimeter data for oceanographic applications such as estimation of steric and mass related contribution to sea level change, ocean mass and transport or validation of GRACE products against ocean bottom pressure in-situ data or models.

Session F: Ice Mass Balance and GIA

This session invites presentations, distinct from session B, showing explicitly results for ice mass balance estimates in Greenland and Antarctica and which also consider other science issues that effect the interpretation of GRACE mass balance results such as glacial isostatic adjustment.

Session G: Dynamics and Structure of Mantle and Crust

This session invites presentations which use GRACE data in combination with mantle density anomalies, seismic tomography and other geophysical data to improve the modelling of the dynamics and structure of the Earth’s mantle and crust.

Session H: GRACE Follow-on

Key questions to consider in this session include: What is the science rationale for GRACE Follow-On? How large a data gap can be tolerated between GRACE and GRACE Follow-On? What is the science rationale for possible changes in GRACE Follow-On mission design? What technology options are available over the next decade to meet future science needs?

Session I: Open Session

This session solicits papers un-related to gravity field interpretation such as results obtained from GRACE radio occultation data, the interpretation of accelerometer data for air density modelling, GRACE POD or others.

The following documents are available for download:

Below you can download the presentations from the GSTM-2007.
For each session one zip-file is available.

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