GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

TIPTIMON Subproject 8

Macroscopic structure and seismic history of active faults in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan: seismic profiling, paleoseismology and tectonic geomorphology

TIPTIMON (Tien-Shan-Pamir Monitoring Program) is a cross-disciplinary project that comprises long-term monitoring of geodynamics and climate in the Central Asian countries of Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, and Uzbekistan. The monitoring seeks to quantify geologic processes like deformation, erosion, and sedimentation as well as their rates, interactions with climate factors, and hazard potential for human habitats. TIPTIMON is a joint research project funded by the German BMBF through the CAME programme.

Main aim of sub-project 8 is the characterization of the spatio-temporal behavior of intra-plate paleo-, historic and present-day earthquakes, and investigation of the role of active tectonics for landslide processes. Active seismic measurements (multichannel- seismics) yield information on the geometry of active faults in the Northern Tien Shan. In our 2012 field campaign we acquired a ~8km long reflection/refraction seismic profile through the Lower Chon Kemin valley (Kyrgyzstan), which crosses also the rupture area of the 1911 (Ms 8.1) earthquake.

Time Frame

  • 09/2012


  • BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Principal Investigators

  • Christian Haberland (GFZ Potsdam)
  • Angela Landgraf (Uni Potsdam)
  • Manfred R. Strecker (Uni Potsdam)
  • Helmut Echtler (GFZ Potsdam)
  • Frank Krüger (Uni Potsdam)


  • Ulan Abdybachaev (CAIAG, Bishkek)
  • Sagynbek Orunbaev (CAIAG, Bishkek)
  • Azamat Sharshebaev (CAIAG, Bishkek)
  • Trond Ryberg (GFZ Potsdam)

Methods & Equipment

  • 300 seismic recorder (CUBE)
  • weight drop


  • Kufner,  S.-K., Schurr,  B., Haberland,  C., Zhang,  Y., Saul,  J.,  Ischuk, A., Oimahmadov, I. (2017): Zooming into the Hindu Kush slab  break-off: A rare glimpse on the terminal stage of subduction. -  Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 461,  127-140. 
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