The aim of this project is to investigate the transition zone between the SE Atlantic and the African continent to reveal the history and mechanisms of the break-up and its relation to the driving magmatic processes. To achieve this goal GFZ (Potsdam), BGR(Hannover) and the CGS (Cape Town) will conduct together a seismic onshore-offshore wideangle experiment between about 30° and 32° S latitude. The seismic signals are generated by a 52 l airgun and by 3 landshots on each of the two profiles. On land will be deployed 40 recorders equipped with 3-component 4.5 Hz geophones. Besides these two conventional profiles Pn arrivals will be recorded along a coast-parallel receiver spread (the airgun also moves parallel to the coast) to reveal the topography of the Moho.
Time Frame
- Spring 2003 (April/May)
- Dr. S. Neben, BGR Hannover
- Dr. C. Reichert, BGR Hannover
- C. de BEER, CGS (Cape Town)
Methods & Equipment
- wideangle seismics
- 40 recorders with 3 - component, 4.5 Hz geophones