The project aims to investigate details of the crustal structure crossing the Waterberg fault zone south of the Erongo Mountains in central Namibia. The special aim of our project is a combined near-incidence and wide-angle seismic reflection survey using 35 mobile six-component stations of GFZ Potsdam, each supplied with 6 vertical geophones (180 seismic channels) along two 18 km long lines across the Waterberg fault zone. Conventional CDP style seismic processing will be extended by P- and S-wave tomography of the shallow subsurface. The seismic measurements will be accompanied by high-resolution magneto-telluric measurements. The resulting detailed velocity/conductivity-depth cross sections will allow the detailed localization of the fault zone and the detailed structure of the surrounding upper crust down to a depth of 10-15 km.
Time Frame
- Frühjahr 1999
Principal Investigators
- Dr. Albrecht Schulze (GFZ Potsdam)
- Dr. Oliver Ritter (GFZ Potsdam)
- Dr. Trond Ryberg (GFZ Potsdam)
- Namibia geological Survey Windhoek
Methods & Equipment
- Near-vertical measurements using 35 six-channel recorders from the GIPP