GFZ German research centre for geo sciences


Mechanism Evaluation, Risk Assessment, Prediction Improvement

The aim of the magnetotelluric part of the MERAPI project is to test the magnetotelluric method for its ability

  • to obtain information about the electrical conductivity structure of the volcano
  • to monitor volcanic activity by recording electric and magnetic field variations

We carried out three field campaigns over the period 1997 - 1999. The project can be subdivided into three subjects:

1. Regional studies of the electrical conductivity structure of Central Java

To examine the electric environment of Merapi volcano, we measured magnetotellurics at nine sites on a profile across Central Java during six weeks in 1997. The long measuring period was necessary to obtain reliable results for long period signals. Long periods represent a large subsurface volume.

2. Local studies of the conductivity structure at Merapi volcano

We carried out magnetotelluric measurements at 45 sites during three field campaigns for a period range 0.0005 - 1000s.
Results have been presented at:

  • Electromagnetic Induction Workshop 2000 in Cabo Frio (Brazil)
  • IAVCEI meeting in Bali (Indonesia)
  • EGS meeting in The Hague, 1998

3. Monitoring of electric and magnetic signals during an active phase of Merapi volcano in July 1998
In June/July 1998 magnetotelluric recordings have been carried out during an active phase of Merapi volcano. A description of the activities is given by the Smithsonian Institution. First results of these measurements have been presented at the IUGG meeting in Birmingham 1998:

  • Coseismic electromagnetic variations measured during an eruptive phase of Merapi volcano (Central Java)

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