3rd Workshop
DESERT 2000, 27th June - 3rd July 2002
GFZ, Potsdam
Thursday, June 27, 2002
- Weber: Introduction
Review Talk
- Migowski, Negendank, Agnon, Stein: Earthquakes in the Middle East - the last 6000 Years
Results of sub-projects of DESERT
- Mechie: Summary of the WRR results
- Kesten, Stiller, Schulze: Seismic reflection image and geological observations along the NVR profile
- Rümpker, Ryberg, Bock: Mantle flow signature from shear-wave splitting
- Bock: Mantle deformation beneath the Dead Sea Transform inferred from shear wave splitting observation at the PAS network
- Mohsen, Bock: Receiver Function image from the crust and upper mantel beneath Palestine, Israel and Jordan
- Bartov: Central Sinai-Negev shear zone, some structural observations from Sinai, Israel and Jordan
- Oberhänsli, Förster: Petrology: Report on the field campaigns in Jordan and strategy of analytical work
- Förster: Heat flow: Report on bore-hole temperature measurements and rock samplin in Jordan
- Garfunkel: Neogene-Quarternary vertical motions of the area around the Dead Sea Transform
- Sobolev: Deformation processes from thermo-mechanical modelling
Friday, June 28, 2002
Review Talk
- Jaser: Geothermal Energy in the central part of Jordan (East of Dead Sea)
- Hübscher-GEMME: Geophysics and geology in the eastern Mediterranean-first results of a METEOR cruise in Spring 2002
Results of sub-projects of DESERT
- Erbas, Schrötter: Continuous temperature monitoring in the well ZOFAR 20, Arava Valley, Israel
- Laske: Modelling regional structures using surface waves
- Hassouneh: The gravity field of Jordan
- Götze, Ebbing, Hassouneh, Al-Hrahsha, El-Kelani: The DESERT 2002 gravity field campaign: results and preliminary interpretation
- Abueladas, Ritter, Weckmann, Schmidt: A review of the magnetotelluric experiments (2000-2002)
- Helwig: Preparatory studies for the TEM measurements in Fall 2002 in the Arava Valley
- Maercklin, Haberland, Ryberg: Shallow seismic structure in the Arava Valley, Dead Sea Transform
- Hoffmann-Rothe: Faults and conductivity: Examples from the San Andreas Fault and the West Fault (Chile)
- Ohrnberger, Scherbaum: Array analysis of ambient vibrations in the Arava Valley
- Janssen: From micro-to-meso-structures, structural and geochemical studies of faulted rocks
Weber, Götze, Haak, Helwig, Sobolev, Mechie, Schulze, Haberland, Kesten, Rümker, Ryberg, Bribach, Maercklin, Stiller, Kind, Bock, Wylegalla, Ritter, Weckmann, J. Schmidt, S. Schmidt, A. Förster, H.-J. Förster, Janssen, Hoffmann-Rothe, Ben-Avraham, Garfunkel, Bartov, Rybakov, Abu-Ayyash, Hassouneh, Mohsen, Laske, Ohrnberger, Migowski, Fuchs, Maronde, Hübscher, Steuer, Koch, Wohlenberg, Ansorge, Rabba, Jaser, Akroush, Abu-el-Adas, Batayneh, Al-Dabbeek