GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Book series

Life in Extreme Environments (editor-in-chief D. Wagner)

Volume 7 on the subject "Microbial Life in the Cryosphere and its Feedback on Global Change" (Susanne Liebner, Lars Ganzert (Eds.) was published by De Gruyter Verlag, Berlin/Bosten, in January 2021.


MSc. Ebuka Canisius Nwosu received an award for the best poster at the Annual Conference 2019 of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM), 17 - 20 March 2019, Mainz, Germany 

 MSc. André Friese received the “ISSM best student oral presentation” award at The international Society for Subsurface Microbiology (ISSM) Conference 2017 (6-10 November 2017) in Rotorua, Newzealand. Title of the talk: „A simple and inexpensive technique for assessing contamination during drilling operations.“, 09.11.2017

Geomicrobiological and Geochemical Colloquium


"What a colorful pole: insights into Antarctic snow algae blooms"

Dr. Daniela Soto, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile



Seminar Program January - June 2024

Expedition Atacama 2018

The Section Geomicrobiology will conduct an expedition to the Atacama Desert in Chile from 14-30 March 2018 together with partners from the Technical University Berlin (TUB) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The aim of this campaign is to explore the limits of life in extremely dry conditions and the impact of microorganisms on the development of the desert habitat.

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