GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

The A.-Schmidt-Observatory for Geomagnetism in Niemegk is operated by GFZ since 1992. It belongs to Section 2.3, Geomagnetism. The observatory is located 50km SW of Potsdam. Since 1930 it continues the measurements, that started in Potsdam in 1890.

The Niemegk observatory is member of the INTERMAGNET programm.

Location: Germany

Geographic Coordinates:
Latitude: 52.07 N     Longitude: 12.68 E   Altitude: 78 m

Geomagnetic Coordinates (quasi-dipole):
Latitude: 47.82 N     Longitude: 88.41 E

The geomagnetic coordinates refer to IGRF-13 for 2020.

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