GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

The Alibag Geomagnetic Observatory (ABG) is run in co-operation by the Indian Instiute of Geomagnetism and GFZ since the year 2007.
The geomagnetic field intensity and directions are continously recorded at the observatory.
The observatory is member of the INTERMAGNET program.

Location: India

Geographic Coordinates:
Latitude: 18.64 N    Longitude: 72.87 E    Altitude: 7 m

Geomagnetic Coordinates (quasi-dipole):
Latitude: 12.89 N    Longitude: 146.09 E

The geomagnetic coordinates refer to IGRF-13 for 2020.


Data are available on request or over the INTERMAGNET program. 

Cooperation partner

Indian Institute of Geomagnetism
Kalamboli Highway
New Panvel
Navi Mumbai

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