Innovative materials and designs for long-life high-temperature geothermal wells

The project aims at developing reliable, cost effective and environmentally safe technologies for design, completion and monitoring of high-temperature geothermal wells.

GFZs main contribution in GeoWell

Within the GeoWell project, GFZ works on fiber optic sensing technologies for monitoring the mechanical well integrity. Furthermore, GFZ is involved in the development of risk assessment methods for high temperature and high pressure geothermal wells. GFZ contributions are mainly from the Sections 6.2, 2.2, 6.3 and 6.4.

EC - European Commission
FKZ 654497

GFZ Kst. D-062-15-002

  • ISOR (IS)
  • IRIS (NO)
  • TNO (NL)
  • BRGM (FR)
  • Statoil (NO)
  • HS Orka (IS)
  • Akiet (NL)

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