GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Energy Systems Integration - ESI

This joint project’s objective is to identify challenges in the design of an environmentally sound, viable, flexible, stable and resource-efficient energy system by integrating and combining individual technologies and sectors.

Interactions within the energy system are represented by numeric models, simulated for a variety of scenarios, and verified by real data sets. Modelling from the component level to the process level to the energy system level will lead to in-depth knowledge and applicable tools. Management, control, and optimization of the entire system as well as of individual subsystems will decisively determine stability and availability (robustness and resilience), economic efficiency, and ecology.

The project consists of three work packages: WP1 “Multimodal Energy System 2050+” will cover the design and optimization of system concepts for coupled multimodal networks connecting physical (power AC/DC, gas, heat, and large material flows) and IT infrastructures in a reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy system.
WP2 will address the question to which extent flexibility of resource-intensive industries can contribute to system stability as a service and which technological innovation is required, while WP3 studies the long-term transformation of the energy system into a system, whose supply is primarily based on regenerative sources and centralised/decentralised structures and whose demand is highly flexible.

GFZ is engaged in WP 1, investigating the role of deep geothermal energy in a future energy system, namely in the form of power-plants (heat & electricity source), heat plant (heat source & electricity sink → Power-to-Heat) sowie ATES (heat/cold storage).

Helmholtz Association

  • German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  • FZJ (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
  • HZB (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie)
  • HZDR (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
  • IPP (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
  • KIT (Karlsruhe Institut of Technology)

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