GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Parametrisation and validation of the solid earth component in a coupled earth system model

Therein, the goal of the work package 1.2, 'Scale interactions', which is coordinated by Section 1.3, is to validate the physical simulations for not yet implemented processes and resolutions that impact individual components as the overall performance of the coupling efforts. Furthermore, several sub-grid scale processes will be resolved for the cryosphere, the atmosphere, the ocean, the solid earth and the land systems. This work will develop new parameterisations or optimize the parameters of existing parameterizations. The main tasks of Section 1.3 will be to analyse qualitative and quantitative aspects of the solid earth's mechanical behaviour. These will be investigated in relation to the earth system models and process under consideration in PalMod. 

Following aspects will be considered:

  • effects due to coupling with other model components due to the deformability of the solid earth
  •  independent validations of the deformation state by means of sea-level height proxies
  • prediction of sea-level variation
  • assessment of specific rheological aspects like 3D structure or non-linearities in the mechanical behaviour of lithosphere and upper mantle to be implemented in the modelling set up of PalMod.


Latinovic, M. , Klemann, V., Irrgang, C., Bagge, M., Specht, S., Thomas, M. (2018): A statistical method to validate reconstructions of late-glacial relative sea level – Application to shallow water shells rated as low-grade sea-level indicators.  - Climate of the Past Discussions, {}, in review.

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