GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Solar storm: major impacts rather unlikely

Solar storm: major impacts rather unlikely
09.01.2014|Potsdam: The media reported about a solar outburst and a cloud of solar wind particles directed towards the Earth. ajor impacts are rather unlikely.

09.01.2014|Potsdam:The media reported about a solar outburst and a cloud of solar wind particles directed towards the Earth. Until now, 11:00 MEZ, the international network of geomagnetic observatories could not detect unusual variations of the geomagnetic field. The measured variations are moderate, with values around 200 nT according to scientists of the German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ. “Strong magnetic storms produce values which are 10 times stronger than the measures fluctuations”, reported Prof. Claudia Stolle, Head of the GFZ Section "Earth’s Magnetic Field". “Even the currently measured solar wind speed of 400 km/s is a normal value.” Although major impacts are rather unlikely, the observation of the further trend of the solar wind is of course important.

Variations of Earth's magnetic fields here.

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