GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

Prof. Friedhelm von Blanckenburg newly-elected in the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences

5. June 2015 (BBAW): The Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences has elected five new members. Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, Head of Section “Earth Surface Geochemistry” at the GFZ, has been appointed to the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Class.

5. June 2015 (BBAW): The Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences has elected five new members. Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, Head of Section “Earth Surface Geochemistry” at the GFZ, has been appointed to the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Class.

Members are appointed on the basis of outstanding scientific performance. Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, born 1958, is an internationally leading scientist in the field of geochemistry, in particular, isotope geochemistry.  For many years he has been concentrating on the quantification of processes underway on the Earth’s surface and the interaction between biological and geological performance. He is Professor for Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface at the Freien Universität Berlin, within the framework of a joint appointment with the GFZ.

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