GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

PalMod: Workshop on the Modeling of the Climate of the Past

How do you model a complete glacial cycle with a complex Earth System model?
This is the main question of the German Climate Modeling Initiative "PalMod", a project initiated and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

How do you model a complete glacial cycle with a complex Earth System model?
This is the main question of the German Climate Modeling Initiative "PalMod", a project initiated and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

From May 18 to May 20, the GFZ section Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution, headed by Prof. Achim Brauer, is organising a meeting of the Working Group 3 within the project PalMod "Paläo Modellierung: Eine nationale Initiative zur Modellierung des Paläoklimas". THis group deals with the global synthesis and analysis of paleo climate data derived from various geological archives in order to verify and test the modeling.

The workshop also addresses challenges within the PalMod project such as quantifying uncertainties in the climate proxy data. The GFZ is expecting more than 30 experts from more than ten institions. The meeting will take place in the "Wissenschaftsetage" in Potsdam.

>>More information on PalMod

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