GFZ German research centre for geo sciences

28.01.2015: Kick-off-Meeting SIBYL

On January 28, the kick off meeting of SIBYL (SeIsmic monitoring and vulneraBilitY framework for civiL protection) will take place at the GFZ. SIBYL’s aim is to develop an operational framework for Civil Protection (CP) authorities to rapidly and cost-effectively assess the seismic vulnerability of the built environment.

On January 28, the kick off meeting of SIBYL (SeIsmic monitoring and vulneraBilitY framework for civiL protection) will take place at the GFZ. SIBYL’s aim is to develop an operational framework for Civil Protection (CP) authorities to rapidly and cost-effectively assess the seismic vulnerability of the built environment. Such a framework will advise CP authorities as to the most appropriate preventative actions for cases where:

  • There is a need for short-notice vulnerability assessment in a pre-event situation
  • For the monitoring of the build environment's dynamic vulnerability during a seismic sequence.

SIBYL is coordinated by the GFZ, organized by the Centre for Early Warning Systems, in partnership with AMRA (Italy), TU Berlin and the Aristoteles University in Thessaloniki (Greece). A close cooperation with national civil protections (in our case BBK and THW) is intended. The project (2015-2016) is financed by EU commission under the Prevention and preparedness projects in civil protection and marine pollution (ECHO A).

Further information can be found here:

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